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Code 3 Plumbing And Drain
7417 NW 84th St Oklahoma City, OK 73132
Code 3 Plumbing and Drain is located on 7417 NW 84th St, Oklahoma City, OK. From Wiley Post Airport(PWA) head south on Philip J Rhoads Ave, turn right to stay on Philip J Rhoads Ave then turn left onto Monroney St. Turn left onto N Rockwell Ave, then turn left onto NW 78th St/W Wilshire Blvd, turn right onto Glade Ave and then turn left onto NW 84th St, finally Code 3 Plumbing and Drain will be on the right.
M-F: 8am-5pm | Sat & Sun: Closed
Location: 7417 NW 84th St Oklahoma City, OK 73132
Call: (405) 860-6888
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